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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Shenanigans are out of the question…
posted on 12 May 2008 in Chinglish
Only authorized rigmarole…
Photo courtesy of Robyn Stringfellow.
Sign found at a hospital in Guangzhou, China.
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what about tomfoolery?
and if you know what Hullabaloo means you will be arrested for being a smart ass
It’s like the 2945 synonym for “noise” in a dictionary.
What’s wrong everything is right hullabaloo is right it is just not used so often.
Well now, that’s got me absolutely flabbergasted!
Brouhaha is okay, but only in moderation.
Well, if smoking isn’t allowed, then it makes complete sense.
None of that supercalifragilisticexpialidocious either…
For grab-ass, see the management.
And go easy on the rigamarole…
Kerfuffle to not happen
Can I open this box of shenanigans?
Gerrymanderers wil be Fornicated!
This is a hanky-panky only zone.
brouhahas and madcap hijinx expressly encouraged, however…
Flimflam, balderdash and poppycock is okay, then?
They should organize school trips to chinese hospitals. A great place to learn bizzare vocabulary
tomfoolery is punishable by execution.
…but you can watch re-runs of “Shindig” or “Old Grey Whistle Test” all you want
Accursed mountebanks and rabble-rousers! I will be rid of your presence in my fine establishment! -moustache twirl-
Gobbledygook is encouraged.
Anything about hoopla?
Don the horseplay either!!!
Does that mean there will be no debauchery! What a sad time it is when a debaucher can no longer freely practice his trade.
i may be a hob knober, a kaffufen–er, shananiganist, and no gooder but i am NOT a hullaballo—er
aaaaah boulderdash!!! you sound just like my grandma
Lollygagging acceptable
Malarky is strictly prohibited
what do you think this is, a romper room?
Well then I better scadaddle!
Hullabaloo means fuss so they may be using the right word… except if they do not know that the word they’re using means.
a little nincompoopery maybe?
And don’t even think about hubbub or zany antics! You’ll cause a ruckus!
Mischief it is then!
noisywonky is ok
Bedlam, ballyhoo, ruckus and rumpus are tolerated in certain situations.
No Hullabaloo….. juz’ legalized BROUHAHA!
Any hurly-burly that draws public opprobrium is strictly verboten.
Can I have a madcap dash?
The monkeyshines here do.
..but Hubba Bubba is ok, yeah?
And God help you if I see any riff-raff in here.
i don’t know what Hullabaloo is but i wanna do it for some reason
the rules don’t mention brouhaha, either, or melee, or ruckus, hubbub, tinntinabulation or uproar, or even boisterousness…
no lollygaggin’
Yeaaash sexy